Tag Archives: steak

Dom’s Steak and Onions

Dom’s Steak and Onions

When I was in high school, I often ate at Dom’s Luncheonette on Broome Street. It was run by an Italian family, a father and his two sons. A couple of times a week they’d make Steak and Onions, and it was one of my favorites. I tried duplicating it and think I’ve finally got the recipe for Dom’s Steak and Onions.

Dom's Steak and Onions


  • 1 lb. strip steak
  • Olive oil for frying
  • 1 or 2 Spanish onions, (depending on how much you like onions) sliced in half moons
  • Salt and black pepper
  • 2 tbsp. tomato paste
  • ½ tsp. oregano
  • 2 bay leaves
  • ¼ cup tomato puree
  • ½ cup red wine or water

Bring steak to room temperature and season with salt and black pepper. Heat the oil on high and sear the steak until lightly browned. It will be very rare but don’t worry. The steak will continue cooking with the onions. Remove the steak from the pan and set aside.

Add more oil to the pan if necessary and fry the onions until they soften. Season with salt and pepper. Add the tomato paste and blend with the onions and continue cooking then add the oregano and bay leaves.

Dom's Steak and Onions

Trim any excess fat and slice the steak across the grain into quarter inch strips. Return the steak to the pan and toss with the onions. Add the tomato puree and a half cup of wine or water, stir and bring to a boil. Lower heat, cover. and simmer for 15 minutes. Add water if you feel that it’s too dry or that the sauce is too thick. Taste and adjust seasoning. Serve with rice or on Italian bread sandwiches the way Don did.  

Dom's Steak and Onions

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Reverse Seared Steak

Reverse Seared Steak

I’ve heard about this method of cooking a steak and decided to give it a try. The standard for a thick steak is, sear the steak and finish cooking it in the oven. As the name implies, this reverses that. Don’t try this unless you steak is at least 1 ½ inches thick. I’m using a 2-inch rib eye.
Reverse Seared Steak
  • 1 steak (at least 1 ½ in. thick and your choice of cut)
  • Salt and black pepper
  • 1 tbsp. olive oil
  • 3 tbsp. butter
  • 1 crushed clove garlic – optional
  • 1 sprig of rosemary – optional
Season the steak with salt and pepper, the edges too. Place it on a wire rack set in a rimmed baking sheet. Place it uncovered in the refrigerator overnight to dry out. This step is optional but do it if you have time.
Preheat the oven to anywhere between 200 and 275°F (93 and 135°C). The lower you go, the more evenly the meat will cook.
Put the baking sheet, rack, and room temperature steak in the oven, and roast until it reaches an internal temperature about 10 to 15°F below the final temperature at which you’d like to serve the meat. Time in the oven is about 20 minutes for rare. 
Reverse Seared Steak
After 20 minutes in a 250 degree F. oven.

When you take the steak out of the oven, add a tablespoon of olive oil to a frying pan on a very high heat. When the pan is hot begin searing the steak. Holding it with tongs, start with the the edges. Lay the steak down and add the butter (and garlic/rosemary, if using). Tilt the pan and spoon the melted butter over the steak. Flip the steak and do the other side. This should take only about 35-40 seconds per side for a good sear.
Reverse Seared Steak
Reverse Seared Steak

Slice and serve the steak. It’s not necessary to rest the steak before cutting if you’re using the reverse sear method.Reverse Seared Steak

Steak Internal Cooking Temperatures
Reverse Seared Steak
Some other steak cooking methods here

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Teresa’s Sicilian Steak

Teresa’s Sicilian Steak

Teresa Giudice is one of the Housewives of New Jersey and she can really cook. She’s published a few cook books and this steak recipe is adapted from Skinny Italian. The light coating adds a lot of flavor and yet doesn’t take away from the taste of the steak.
Teresa's Sicilian SteakIngredients:
  • 1 steak about 1 inch thick
  • 2 tbsp. olive oil
  • 1 minced garlic clove
  • 3 tbsp. breadcrumbs
  • 1 tbsp. grated Parmigiano cheese
  • ½ tsp. dried oregano
  • Salt and black pepper
Place the oil and garlic in a shallow bowl. Place the steak in the bowl and let it stay at room temperature for 30 minutes, turning it after 15 minutes.

Teresa's Sicilian Steak

In the meantime, mix the breadcrumbs, cheese, oregano, salt and pepper. Remove the steak from the oil and dip it into the crumb mixture coating it evenly.
Teresa's Sicilian Steak
Let it stand on the baking rake for 10 minutes for the crumbs to set. Place a rack between 6 and 8 inches below the broiler preheat the oven.

Teresa's Sicilian Steak

Broil the steak for 3 – 4 minutes – until the crust is browned. Turn it over and do the same to the other side for medium-rare. Ovens may vary so move the rack closer or further away from the heat source so it browns and doesn’t burn. When it’s done let it rest for 5 minutes before slicing across the grain into one inch strips.

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The West 97th Street GreenMarket

West 97th Street Greenmarket

West 97th Street Greenmarket

There are greenmarkets all over New York City and mine is the West 97th Street Greenmarket. You can get baked goods, meat, seafood, eggs, honey, seasonal produce and more throughout the year and it’s all local.

West 97th Street Greenmarket

From flowers to seafood.

West 97th Street Greenmarket
One morning’s shopping – semolina bread, corn, peaches, apple pie, mako steaks, blow fish, and black fish filets.

West 97th Street Greenmarket

West 97th Street Greenmarket

From their website:
Greenmarket was founded in 1976 with a two-fold mission: to promote regional agriculture by providing small family farms the opportunity to sell their locally grown products directly to consumers, and to ensure that all New Yorkers have access to the freshest, most nutritious locally grown food the region has to offer. . .

West 97th Street Greenmarket

West 97th Street between Amsterdam and Columbus Avenue

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Steak a’ Pizzaiola

Steak a’ Pizzaiola

Roasted tomatonnnn

Steak a’ Pizzaiola Preparation:
Heat olive oil in pan and brown one side of steak (or veal or pork chops). While its browning sprinkle top side with S&P, finely chopped garlic and dried oregano. When the underside is brown turn the meat over making sure that there is enough oil so that the garlic doesn’t burn. Immediately cover with a large can of crushed tomatoes and simmer for 20 minutes.

Optional – Add a small can of drained baby peas (or fresh or frozen and cook accordingly) and maybe some chopped parsley (one or the other) in the last 5 minutes.

You can serve this alone, as a main course or use some of that sauce on a side of pasta.

Some restaurants include peppers in this sauce – DON’T! (and no cheese either).

FYI – a Pizzaiola is a woman who makes pizza.Pizzaola

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A few words on how to cook a steak…

Steak misc

Sear the fatty edges


Porterhouse Peter Luger Style

Porterhouse, the king of steaks, has a strip steak on one side of the bone and a tenderloin on the other.

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  •  Sprinkle with lots of salt and let it (1 ½ to 2 inches thick) sit at room temp. Heat skillet very hot with a little oil. 3 minutes on one side and remove to board, crust side up.
  •  Cut the loin and sirloin in thick slices straight down and perpendicular to the bone but leave ends attached to the bone.
  •  Dot with lots of butter and put it back together in the pan curst and butter side up.
  •  Place under a preheated broiler for 3 minutes.  Spoon melted butter over it and remove from pan or it will continue to cook.


Roasted Tomahawk Steak



  • 1 -2 ½ to 3 inch thick tomahawk steak *
  • Salt and black pepper
  • 3 tbsp butter
  • 1 tbsp olive oil


  • Blot room temperature tomahawk dry with paper towels and season with pepper and lots of salt; let rest for 30 minutes. Preheat oven to 400°. Dot roasting pan with 3 tbsp. butter.
  •  Put1 tbsp. oil in a large heavy skillet over medium-high heat. When it’s good and hot add steak to skillet. Cook until seared on all sides (including edges), 2–3 minutes per side. Transfer to the roasting pan. Roast in the oven, turning halfway through cooking and basting with the melted butter, Cook for 10 minutes for rare.
  •  Place in a serving platter and pour the melted butter fron the pan over it. Cover loosely with foil and let it rest for 10 minutes before serving. Serves two.

* A tomahawk steak is a rib steak with the entire rib bone intact.

Done well but not well done