Mint Julep Nothing like it in summer. Try it in a silver cup if you have one. Originally made with Cognac, the standard is now Bourbon although some prefer rye.
- Mint leaves
- 1/2 teaspoon of sugar
- Bourbon
In a rocks glass or silver cup, muddle a good size bunch of mint leaves with the sugar and a few drops of Bourbon. Pack the cup with cracked ice and mix the mint with the ice. Add the Bourbon and then add more ice and a sprig of mint.
- 1 tsp sugar
- 1 tbsp Cointreau (or 4 drops of orange flower water)
- 1 ½ oz brandy
- 1 egg yolk
Shake and strain into flute and fill with sparkling hard cider or Champagne.
Golden Fizz
- 1 shot of gin
- Juice of ¼ lemon
- 1 tspn sugar
- 1 egg yolk
- Club soda
Shake thoroughly and strain into small highball glass without ice and top with some club soda.
Two other traditional Southern specialties, the Sazerac and Ramos Gin Fizz got their own posts.