Milk Fried Chicken
A problem that sometimes comes up with fried chicken is this – If you just fry it until the crust is the perfect golden color the chicken might be left under done, and if you fry it so that the chicken is thoroughly cooked, the crust might burn. The milk fried chicken cooking method solves that problem. The chicken is almost completely cooked in the milk and after that it only takes a few minutes to brown the crust.
- 2 bs. chicken pieces
- 1 ½ cups milk
- 2 cup vegetable oil
For the spice rub –
- 1 tsp. salt
- ½ tsp. black pepper
- ½ tsp. Cajun spice
- ½ tsp. sweet (or hot) paprika
- ½ tsp. garlic power
Bring the milk to a boil in a pan and add the chicken in one layer. Cover and boil it for 8 minutes (medium heat so it doesn’t boil over). Turn the chicken and cook for another 8 minutes, remove and let it cool.
Thoroughly coat the chicken with the spice rub and then dredge in the flour. Let rest for 20 minutes before frying.
Fry in batches until golden brown. Do not crowd the pan. Drain it on paper towels and serve.

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