Egg Cream
The Egg Cream started as a New York thing about a hundred years ago. Lately it’s become more widely known but in case you’re not familiar with it, it’s a New York candy store fountain drink that doesn’t contain eggs or cream. It’s made with some milk, chocolate syrup (or sometimes vanilla), and topped off with seltzer to give it a frothy head There are lots of theories of why its called an Egg Cream and I’ll leave you to Google that.
Egg Cream aficionados say the only correct way to make one is with Fox’s U-Bet Chocolate Syrup and seltzer from either a soda fountain or a seltzer syphon. I’m not so strict. If you can’t get U-Bet, Bosco is a good substitute. 
Bottled seltzer is fine and better than club soda which contains some salty minerals.
The ingredients are simple:
- 2 oz. whole milk
- 1 1/2 oz. chocolate syrup
- Seltzer
Start with the milk, add the syrup and stir, then fizz it with the seltzer. If you want a white head instead of brown, just change the order – milk, seltzer then add the syrup and stir.
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