Tag Archives: flanken

Short Ribs and Diced Tomato Sauce

(short ribs or flanken are beef ribs cut across the bone)


Short Ribs and Diced Tomato Sauce

This sauce has an intense flavor for two reasons – first, the ribs with their collagen and marrow and second, the fond created by the meat and then the onions and tomatoes. Le fond is French for the caramelized bits of food that stick to the bottom of the pan. There’s even a very good restaurant by the name Le Fond. Deglazing removes the fond and reincorporates its flavors back into the sauce.

Short Ribs and Diced Tomatoes Sauce

Short Ribs and Diced Tomatoes Sauce

Bring the ribs to room temperature and cut into pieces. Sprinkle with salt and black pepper and brown in olive oil. Remove and set aside A fond should be beginning to form.
Add chopped onion to pan and sauté on low-medium heat. Add tomato paste and stir and coat the onions. Cook until softened and translucent.
Short Ribs and Diced Tomatoes Sauce

Add diced tomatoes and simmer uncovered on medium until almost dry (more fond is formed). Pour in the wine and deglaze the pan.Short Ribs and Diced Tomatoes Sauce

That’s not burnt – it’s fond

Add enough pasta water to thin the sauce. Return the meat, add the bay leaf and simmer on low for fifteen minutes.
Short Ribs and Diced Tomatoes Sauce

           after deglazing with wine                  after thinning with pasta water

Cook the pasta until almost done, drain and add it to the sauce to finish cooking. Serve with grated Parmigiana.Short Ribs and Diced Tomato Sauce
Short Ribs and Diced Tomato Sauce

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