Tag Archives: Beef Cointreau

Beef Cointreau

Beef Cointreau

This is an easy recipe. You can make it on an outdoor grill or an indoor stove.  The Cointreau can be replaced with Triple Sec, Sweet Marsala or your choice.


Beef Cointreau

Beef Cointreau

The Marinade:  Mix the Cointreau and honey in a small bowl until the honey liquefies then mix in the soy sauce.

The Steak: Cut the flank steak across the grain on an angle, making slices not thicker than 1/4 inch by 1 1/2 to 2 inches wide. Season with salt, pepper and garlic powder.

Beef Cointreau

Put the sliced meat and marinade in a zip lock bag and refrigerate it overnight or for at least 4 hours, turning it occasionally.

Weave the slices onto bamboo skewers and cook them over charcoal or in a ridged broiler pan until the edges of the slices start to crisp or until they’re as done as you like them. It’s a good idea to soak the skewers in water for 20 minutes before using them. It helps keep them from burning.

You can also make this without using skewers. Leave the steak whole and marinate it the same way. Fry or broil it and let it rest 10 minutes. Cut it across the grain in one inch thick slices and serve.

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